Oh, I'm having so much fun!

Well Barbie, we're just getting started

Oh, I love you Ken!

I am VERY thankful this Holiday.
Hawaii was friggin� amazing. I had such a blast. I made a couple new friends out there.. I cried when the plane took off. What a weenie, I know. It was great. I can�t wait to go back. I�ll throw some good pics up later.

Someday I will move there! I just need my entourage to go with me. (Mom. Dad, Daughter, Daughter�s father) No, we�re not Hispanic, I just love my family. If the Ex can get a job over there after he graduates I bet I can talk him into it once I show him pictures of all the hot chicks over there.. Haha. I can�t separate my daughter and her father, so more than likely I�ll have to wait until she�s 18. Oh well. Hawaii should still be there by then.

Jason Bateman was on Letterman the other night. It was a great night. I LOVE JASON BATEMAN!

So, I got my dream job. I�ll be working for local TV station, I�ll leave it at that for you online stalkers. I�m way excited to start. I walk into the station and my heart pounds and I get giddy.. I was meant to be in the media, I don�t know why I ever left.. I used to feel the same way back in my radio days. I miss being inspired.

This has been an EXCELLENT end to the year.

I guess sometimes you don�t appreciate what you have until you don�t. Or until you�re trapped in a job you hate working next to your ex-boyfriend who you can�t STAND. I am VERY thankful this Holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving! We had some people over.. nice and quiet but fun. We had pasties instead of Turkey. It�s a Midwestern dish.. sort of like a big meat pie. What a visual, eh? I�m not a big fan of Turkey. My Grandma flew them in for us.. They�re delicious.

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2004-11-26 - 11:11 a.m.
hi. my name is myra and i'm twenty three years old. this is my story.
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I missed all the Kmart commercials. - 2005-03-11
It's been a great year - 2005-01-08
Oh well! NEXT! - 2004-12-28
It�s the perfect role for me. - 2004-12-13
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