Oh, I'm having so much fun!

Well Barbie, we're just getting started

Oh, I love you Ken!

�I�m just thinking about the beach.. I love the beach�
One day while driving around with his daughter, Ray Romano noticed her staring out the window with a look of euphoria on her face. He asked what she was thinking about and she says �Candy. I love candy�. Oh, to have the days where the mere thought of CANDY put you in a wonderful mood.

I had that exact moment in Hawaii while driving back from the North Shore. It could have been from sitting in the sun for 4 hours and not drinking anything (haha) or maybe it was just PURE BLISS. JJ asked me �You�re being unusually quiet?� while I sat staring out the window with a big goofy smile. I replied with �I�m just thinking about the beach.. I love the beach� I felt like I was 2. I laid out on the beach, sitting in the water and making sand castles. Ahhhhh.

If you haven�t guessed already - I REALLY LOVE HAWAII!

Tomorrow begins my last week of work at the �old� job. It�ll be longest week EVER. I�ll be a little sad to leave a couple people, but� Friends always stay in your life regardless of where you go. Usually, anyway. TV Land here I come!

Tonight is also the last night of my 2 week vacation. Ahhhh.. a bittersweet end.

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2004-11-28 - 8:55 p.m.
hi. my name is myra and i'm twenty three years old. this is my story.
older entries
I missed all the Kmart commercials. - 2005-03-11
It's been a great year - 2005-01-08
Oh well! NEXT! - 2004-12-28
It�s the perfect role for me. - 2004-12-13
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